About me!!

Holla.. I am Fandi, the writer of this blog. I was born and raised in Surabaya and I am dang proud of that. I like to watch movies, enjoy to listen songs, art lovers. I am an adrenaline junkie who love to play skateboarding especially at the most inappropriate times. I am a new student in the departement of International Relations at The University of Muhammadiyah Malang. I love to think rather than talk. I am the kind of man who is quiet in large groups or around people. I am an adventurer who believes in living life creatively, faithfully, and fearlessly. I am awkward, classy, shy, strange... That's all.. This is me.. Stick around - Lets inspire each other...

Danke für Ihren Besuch mein Blog..  
cerchiamo di essere amici..

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